Learn about the comparison between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
Comparison # Prokaryotes:
1. Cell in prokaryotes is smaller in size with a primitive type of nucleus called nucleoid or genophore.
2. The nuclear membrane is absent in prokaryotes.
3. The genetic material is only nucleic acid DNA.
4. The DNA molecules are circular and not associated with histone protein.
5. Endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, lysosomes or centrioles are absent.
6. Cell wall of prokaryotes does not contain cellulose.
7. Chloroplasts are absent in prokaryotes.
8. Ribosomal RNA is 70S (50S + 30S).
9. Some prokaryotes contain flagella but do not bear 9 + 2 microtubules.
Bacteria, Blue-green algae.
Comparison # Eukaryotes:
1. Cell in eukaryotes is larger is size with a well-defined nucleus except mature mammalian erythrocytes.
2. A definite nuclear membrane is present in eukaryotes.
3. The nucleic acid (DNA) is associated with protein to form structures called chromosomes.
4. The chromosomes are linear and DNA of the chromosomes are associated with histones to form nucleoprotein.
5. These organelles are present in eukaryotes.
6. Cell wall of eukaryotes contain cellulose.
7. Chlorophyll when present (e.g. plant cells, some microorganisms, Euglena sp.) is found in chloroplasts.
8. Ribosomal RNA is 80S (60S + 40S).
9. Eukaryotes when bear flagella and cilia, have 9 + 2 microtubules.
Protozoans, Algae, Metazoans arid Metaphyta.