The branch of Biology which deals with the study of microorganisms like such as bacteria fungi is known as microbiology
It is branch of biology that which deal with the study of molecular basis of the biology activity interaction between the DNA, RNA, protein and biosynthesis.
Microbiology is the scientific study of these microorganisms.
Microbiologists study these organisms using tools, like microscopes, genetics, and culturing. Microscopes allow scientists to magnify microbial cells that are otherwise too small to see.
the organisms which we can not see throw our naked eyes they, are called as microbes,and study of those microbes is called as microbiology
micro bio-microbes,logy-study
Biology means study of living organisms and study of microbiology referrers to study of micro organisms
Any living thing which can’t observe by eye are microbs, the study of those kinds of microbs with respect their environment with the help of some instruments is microbiology Ex. Bacteria, virus, Fungi, prions, Viroids, algae,