Any change in body who disturbed the normal body function is called disease
Disease- In simply way we can defined the definition of disease,”the disorder ness or unfavorable change in body condition for a sort time period or long time period (mainly long time period), so such condition we can predict that disease.
Condition ofdeviation from normal functioning of body is called as disease.
it is condition of person in which a person feels uncomfortable due to the pathogens entering in his body
A disease is any disorder or irregularity in normal functioning of any organism
Any biological or physical disturbance in you which causes discomfort or the lack of ease in leading a prosperous life is a disease.
Disease is defined as infection cause by microbes to spread throughout our body.
A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location is called disease.
In simple way a disease can be defined as the combination of two words i.e. dis + ease . that means dis comfort ….means when a body starts to function
in an unusual way.. due to the malfunctioning of it’s immune system .
so whenever a body stops it’s normal functioning due to the attack by certain micro-organism this type of situation is called disease …from now whenever you hear the word disease …divide it into two simple words …that is ,dis + ease.
A disorder in function of human body or in animals