It means changes and it can occur at gene or chromosome level.
Mutation is a sudden,irreversible change in one or more genes or in the number or in the structure of chromosomes thereby altering the hereditary material of an organism’s cells.
Mutation is a sudden,irreversible and random change in the genotype of an organism which leads to phenotypic change in that organism.It can be controlled by both extrinsic and intrinsic factors.
variation between the cell or DNA due to the environmental fator called as mutation
Mutation is the permanent alteration of nulceotide sequence of the genome of an organism and change that occurs in our DNA sequence.
sudden heritable change in phenotype, which we can observe and see this change because of change in DNA/RNA/…
A heritable genetic change in the genetic material of an organism that gives rise to alternate form of any gene is called mutation.
The process by which mutations is produced is called mutagenesis.
An organism exhibiting a novel phenotype as a result of the presence of a mutation is referred to as a mutant.
In broad sense, the term mutation include all types of heritable genetic change in chromosome number, chromosomal aberra and change in chemistry of genes.