Classification of animals also important for the evolutionary aspects.
Classification of animals helps in studying animals and knowing more about the their life, mode of living, reproduction, relations to their environment
it is essential because it helps to easily identify and give an identity to different species of animals under the same kingdom is important because it make study of organisms easy. allow easy communications among taxonomist since it provides scientific names
Classification of anything makes every one easy to understand clearly and easily. They are different types of animals on the earth. So to be able to remember them easily
They are classified under different groups
Classification in animal kingdom is essential because classification made easy to study and research of different species of animals ,
classification is based on the dissimilar characters between species ,
if we have no classification system then it is very difficult to distinguish animal of different species .
Like in library a lot of book present but if all the books are mix then it is very difficult to find out of this book which we need , if all book categories in different slot , then very easy and less time spending to find out book which we need ,similarly classification is very essential in animal kingdom.
Classification of animal kingdom is essential because it helps us in the better understanding of life style of each and every animal,insect,bird and so on.