The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between pollen and spore.
Difference # Pollen:
1. It is a container that houses male gametophyte of phanerogams.
2. The target of a pollen grain after transportation is stigma.
3. A pollen grain can perform its function when it reaches on a compatible stigma.
4. Aperturate pollen grains are colpate/porate etc.
5. Apertures occur on distal pole.
6. Perine is absent in phanerogams.
7. Division of exine into sexine and nexine is prominent.
Difference # Spore:
1. It is the resting spore and dispersal phase of cryptogams.
2. There is no such target.
3. Spore can perform its function when it lands on suitable substratum and environment.
4. Aperturate spores are monolete or trilete.
5. Apertures occur on proximal pole.
6. Perine is present in the spores of Bryophyte and Pteridophyte.
7. Division of exine into sexine and nexine is indistinct.