The following points highlight the top three methods used for the treatment of solid wastes. The methods are: 1. Landfill 2. Composting 3. Vermicomposting. Method # 1. Landfill: This approach is used to treat solid wastes, like garbage, and the solids remaining after waste treatment. The wastes are used for landfill in which a natural […]
Treatment of Solid Wastes: 2 Methods | Microbiology
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Sewage: Meaning, Composition and Disposal
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In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Sewage 2. Composition of Sewage 3. Classification 4. Characteristics 5. Disposal 6. Treatment. Meaning of Sewage: ‘Sewage’ is a collective noun used to represent liquid or solid wastes carried in sewers. It consists of domestic water-borne wastes including human and animal excrete, washing waters and […]