This article throws light upon the three important methods of teaching agriculture. The methods are: 1. Individual Contact or Interpersonal 2. Group-Contact Methods 3. Mass or Community Contact Methods.
Teaching Agriculture: Method # 1.
Individual Contact or Interpersonal:
In this method face-to-face or person-to-person contact between the rural people and extension workers is held. It is very effective in teaching. Quantum of feedback available is very high but slow communication. The media used in individual contact method are Farm and home visit. Office calls. Telephone calls. Personal letters, result Demonstration etc.
Teaching Agriculture: Method # 2.
Group-Contact Method:
Rural people or farmers are contacted in a group (20 to 30 persons). The media used are Method and result demonstration. National demonstration, Conferences, Panel, Symposium, Discussion, Meeting, Workshops, Field tips, Tour etc.
Teaching Agriculture: Method # 3.
Mass Contact Methods:
A large number of people (more than 30 persons) are contacted for dissemination of new information The media used are Radio, Television, Exhibitions, Bulletins, Leaflets, News letter. Circular letters, Posters, Folder/pamphlet, Journal etc.
(i) Panel:
Panel has 2-8 speakers.
(ii) Pamphlet:
Pamphlet varying in size from 12 to 24 pages.
(iii) Leaflet:
It is a published material on a small paper in which there is brief information of a subject. Leaflet contains 4 to 12 pages stitched or stapled at the centre.
(iv) Folder:
It is a published material on a large paper. Its characteristic is that this paper can be folded once or twice due to its large size.
(v) Bulletin:
It is a small published book consisting of 5 to 8 pages. It contains the important and detailed knowledge of any one subject.
(vi) News letter:
It is in the form of a newspaper which is published in a small size and contains 2-4 pages.
(vii) Journals/Magazine:
Magazine contains the latest and important information provided by various extension agencies on varied subject matter.
(Viii) Circular Letter:
The letter that is used to send the same information to many people at the same time are called the Circular letter.