In this article we will discuss about the arrangements of tissues in leaves. Leaves are generally flat organs and to differentiate the two surfaces different terms are used. The surface that faces the stem upwardly is designated as upper surface or adaxial surface whereas the other surface is the lower or abaxial surface. Anatomically a […]
Arrangements of Tissues in Leaves | Plants
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Drugs Obtained from Leaves | Medicinal Plants
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The following points highlight the top seven types of drugs obtained from leaves. The types are: 1. Vasaka 2. Indian Aloe 3. Life Plant 4. Indian Pennywort 5. Holy Basil 6. Betel Pepper 7. Tylophora. Type # 1. Vasaka: Adhatoda vasica Nees., of family Acanthaceae; Eng. Malabo nut; Verna—Amsi, rusa. This is a perennial shrub. […]