The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between flipper and paddle.
Difference # Flipper:
1. Forelimbs are modified into flattened and stout structure, called flippers.
2. Externally un-jointed structure which can be moved as a whole.
3. Nails or claws a whole.
4. Hyper and hyperdactyly are present in some cases.
5. They serve balancers and provide stability during swimming e.g , certaceans.
Difference # Paddle:
1. Forelimbs are modified into flattened, short and oar-shaped structure, called paddles.
2. Movable joints are present.
3. Claws may or may not be present.
4. Hyperphalangy and hyperdactyly are absent.
5. They in swimming e.g., turtles and sirenians.